• Sankar Nagar, Mattoor, Kalady P.O.,
    Ernakulam - 683 574
  • Email info@ssc.edu.in
  • Contact0484-2462341

Ph.D Programmes

Six Departments of the college - Commerce, Economics , Microbiology,Sanskrit,Chemistry and English are functioning as Research Centres, recognized by Mahatma Gandhi University. Besides this, the Department of Physics is also in the process of becoming Research Centre. There are Sixteen research guides in the college and Forty Six research scholars working for their Ph.D degree. The college has a Research Council to coordinate the research activities of the college. The Research Council conducts the exams of research scholars, at the end of the course work as per the guidelines of the University.


Name of the Research Centre: Department of Economics, Sree Sankara College Kalady
Discipline: Economics

Sl. No. Name and Official Designation of the Supervising Teacher Date of Retirement Office Address No. of Research Scholars under guidance Vacancy Available
1 Dr. Sreeja S Associate Professor 31.03.2022 Department of Economics Sree Sankara College Kalady 5 1
2 Dr. Preemy P Thachil Assistant Professor 31.03.2034 Department of Economics Sree Sankara College Kalady 4 0
3 Dr. Laisa Thomas Assistant Professor 31.03.2023 Department of Economics Morning Star Home Science College, Angamaly 4 0
4 Dr. Gigi Elias 15.05.2026 Department of Economics St. Peter’s College, Kolencherry Nil 4


Name of the Research Centre: Department of Microbiology, Sree Sankara College Kalady Discipline: Microbiology

Sl. No. Name and Official Designation of the Supervising Teacher Date of Retirement Office Address No. of Research Scholars under guidance Vacancy Available
1 Dr. Valsa A K Associate Professor 31.05.2022 Department of Microbiology Sree Sankara College Kalady 2 2
2 Dr. S Mohan Assistant Professor 31.03.2024 Department of Microbilogy Sree Sankara College Kalady 3 1
3. Dr. Sumi Mary George Assistant Professor 31.03.2028 Department of Microbilogy Sree Sankara College Kalady 4 Nil
4. Dr. Sudha K Assistant Professor 31.03.2029 Department of Microbiology St. Peter’s College Kollenchery 1 3
5 Dr. Sandhya S Assistant Professor 31.03.2026 Department of Microbiology K E College, Mannanam 3 1


Name of the Research Centre: Department of Sanskrit, Sree Sankara College Kalady Discipline: Sanskrit Language and Literature

Sl. No. Name and Official Designation of the Supervising Teacher Date of Retirement Office Address No. of Research Scholars under guidance Vacancy Available
1 Dr. Anilkumar V V 31.03.2030 Department of Sanskrit Sree Sankara College Kalady 3 1
2 Dr. K N Harikrishna Sharma K N
Assistant Professor
16.05.2040 Department of Sanskrit Sree Sankara College Kalady 3 1


Name of the Research Centre: Department of Chemistry, Sree Sankara College Kalady Discipline: Chemistry

Sl. No. Name and Official Designation of the Supervising Teacher Date of Retirement Office Address No. of Research Scholars under guidance Vacancy Available
1 Dr. Sreekala M S 20.05.2026 Department of Chemistry Sree Sankara College Kalady 1 3
2 Dr. Jesitha K 30.06.2042 Department of Chemistry Sree Sankara College Kalady Nil 4


Name of the Research Centre: Department of English, Sree Sankara College Kalady Discipline: English

Sl. No. Name and Official Designation of the Supervising Teacher Date of Retirement Office Address No. of Research Scholars under guidance Vacancy Available
1 Dr. Anjana Sankar Associate Professor 31.03.2023 Department of English Sree Sankara College Kalady 3 3
2 Dr. Vinod Gopi Associate Professor 31.03.2026 Department of English Sree Sankara College Kalady 3 3
3 Dr. Preethi Nair Associate Professor 31.05.2027 Department of English Sree Sankara College Kalady 5 1


Name of the Research Centre: Department of Commerce, Sree Sankara College Kalady Discipline: Commerce

Sl. No. Name and Official Designation of the Supervising Teacher Date of Retirement Office Address No. of Research Scholars under guidance Vacancy Available
1 Dr. Sujith. A.S   Department of Commerce
 Sree Sankara College Kalady
0 4
2 Dr. Rahul Ramesh   Department of Commerce
 Sree Sankara College Kalady
0 4