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"Forum for Democracy and Social Justice" inaugurated on 26 October 2022

The "Forum for Democracy and Social Justice" (FDSJ) constituted by the Department of Economics in association with the Institute of Parliamentary Affairs, Government of Kerala was inaugurated on 26 October 2022 by Mr. Elias Kurian, Head Accountant, Thuravur Gram Panchayat. Sri. Benno Mathew, Associate Professor of Statitstics (Principal in chanrge) was presided over the function. Dr. Geetha P, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Economics, Dr. Manju T, Assistant Professor of Physics and IQAC Coodinatror graced the function. The FDSJ coordinator Dr. Preemy P Thachil welcomed and Lt. Rajy Ramakrishnan, memebr, FDSJ gave vote of thanks. Students and faculty members of Department of Economics, History and Politics attended the function.