• Sankar Nagar, Mattoor, Kalady P.O.,
    Ernakulam - 683 574
  • Email info@ssc.edu.in
  • Contact0484-2462341

The 5th International Vedic Math Conference is being held at Sri Shankara College on 11th, 12th and 13th August 2022.

Institute of Advancement of Vedic Mathematics ( UK) in association with the Department of Mathematics, Departrment of Sanskrit and Department of Statistics Sree Sankara College is organising 5th International Vedic mathematics conference at Sree Sankara College on 11.12 and 13 August 2022. A workshop on Vedic Mathematics will also be conducted on August 13, 2022 as part of the conference. All Students, teachers and parents are invited to the workshop. There is no Registration fees for the workshop. Please refer to the following brochure to attend all sessions of the conference.