• Sankar Nagar, Mattoor, Kalady P.O.,
    Ernakulam - 683 574
  • Email info@ssc.edu.in
  • Contact0484-2462341

Sealed limited tenders are invited for the supply of the Sports goods

The envelopes containing the tender should bear the superscription "Tender, Department of Physical Education, Sree  Sankara College, Kalady and should be addressed to THE PRINCIPAL, SREE SANKARA COLLEGE, KALADY.

Last date for receipt of tenders will be 02.12.2021, 2.00 pm. Late tenders will not be accepted. The details regarding the same will be available in the college website from 17.11.2021 to 02.12.2021.

The tenders will be opened at 10.00 AM on 03.12.2021 in the presence of the tenderers or their authorized representatives who may be present at that time.

Intending limited renderers may, on application to the THE PRINCIPAL,SREE SANKARA COLLEGE, KALADY obtain the requisite tender forms on which tenders should be submitted. Application for the limited tender form should be accompanied by a cash remittance of Rs.500/ +12% GST which is the price fixed for a form/set of forms and which is not refundable under any circumstances. The limited tender forms are not transferable.

Sale of tender forms in the College will be closed at 2 pm on 02.12.2021. Cheques, postage stamps, etc., will not be accepted towards the cost of forms, nor will the forms be sent per V.P.P.

Duplicate tender forms, if required will be issued at Rs.200 per copy. An agreement has to be executed by you in the prescribed form on stamp paper of value Rs.200/ purchased in the Kerala state as store purchase manual 2013 along with the sealed tender.

Click here for the Details and list of sports goods to be supplied

Click here for the Tender form