Clean Campus Campaign

Green Campus Drive Initiative The Green Campus Drive, initiated by the Department of Biotechnology, aims to foster a clean, environmentally friendly campus environment. Launched on December 15th, 2023, the initiative seeks to raise awareness about environmental issues, particularly focusing on reducing plastic pollution and promoting sustainable practices within the campus community. The launch event of the Green Campus Drive was marked by an energetic flash mob organized by students from the Department of Biotechnology. The flash mob served as an engaging way to capture attention and kickstart the initiative. Following the flash mob, a mime show was performed to depict various instances of plastic pollution prevalent in everyday life. Through artistic expression, the audience was sensitized to the detrimental effects of plastic pollution on both the environment and human health. Awareness Campaign The event served as a platform to raise awareness about the health concerns associated with the ingestion of microplastics and the environmental hazards posed by plastic burning. Informational materials, presentations and interactive sessions were conducted to educate participants about the importance of adopting eco-friendly practices. Key Objectives 1. Reduce Plastic Pollution: Encourage the adoption of sustainable alternatives to single-use plastics and promote recycling initiatives. 2. Raise Awareness: Educate the campus community about the adverse effects of plastic pollution on the environment and human health. 3. Promote Behavioral Change: Inspire individuals to adopt eco-friendly habits and contribute towards building a greener campus environment.