Industrial Visit to Nandini Milk Factory Coorg, Karnataka

The industrial visit to Nandini Milk Factory, Coorg, was organized by the Department of Biotechnology at Sree Sankara College, Kalady. The visit aimed to provide students with practical insights into the dairy industry's operations, complementing their theoretical knowledge. Pre-Visit Preparation-Prior to the visit, students received an orientation session covering the history, products, and significance of Nandini Milk Factory. Additionally, safety regulations and hygiene standards were highlighted to ensure a smooth and secure visit. On the scheduled day, the students and faculty arrived at the factory at 10 am. The factory staff warmly welcomed the group, providing an overview of the day's agenda and safety protocols. The visit commenced with an extensive tour of the factory. Students were guided through various sections, including milk collection, processing, packaging, and quality control. The entire milk processing journey was showcased, offering a holistic view of the production cycle. Students gained insights into milk processing techniques and witnessed processes like pasteurization, homogenization, and packaging. The emphasis on the factory's advanced machinery and its role in ensuring product quality was a notable learning point. The highlight of the visit was the interaction with dairy experts and factory employees. Students engaged in discussions, gaining valuable insights into industry challenges and opportunities. The exchange of experiences made the visit engaging and informative. Nandini’s product range was showcased, exposing students to various dairy products. They learned about packaging, branding, and marketing strategies adopted by the company. The visit to Nandini Milk Factory was an enriching educational experience, offering students a comprehensive understanding of dairy industry operations, from collection to distribution. The gratitude extends to Nandini Milk Factory for graciously hosting the visit and their commitment to industry standards. This industrial visit significantly enriched students' knowledge, bridging the gap between theory and practical application, and preparing them for potential careers in the dairy industry.