Onam Celebration at Pothiyakara Sneha Sadan Special School

On Friday, August 18th, 2023, the Department of Biotechnology at Sree Sankara College organized a vibrant Onam celebration at the Pothiyakara Sneha Sadan Special School. This event was part of the department's extension activities aimed at promoting understanding and fostering connections among various social groups. The primary objective was to bridge the gap between different sections of society while spreading joy and cultural richness. The event witnessed enthusiastic participation from the department's students who showcased not only their artistic talents but also their eagerness to engage in meaningful interactions with the inmates of the Sneha Sadan Special School. The students organized a variety of entertainment programs, including solo and ensemble performances, which captivated the audience and brought smiles to their faces. Beyond merely providing entertainment, the students actively engaged the inmates in therapeutic and educational activities such as paper crafting. These activities not only brought moments of joy but also served as avenues for learning and personal growth for the inmates. As a gesture of solidarity and support, the Department of Biotechnology gifted Onam special sweets and provided a small financial contribution to the Sneha Sadan charity. This token of love and generosity symbolized the department's commitment to making a positive impact in the lives of others, especially those in need. The Onam celebration at Pothiyakara Sneha Sadan Special School was a resounding success, thanks to the dedication and efforts of the department's students and faculty. It exemplified the spirit of compassion, inclusivity, and cultural exchange, reflecting the core values of Sree Sankara College and its Department of Biotechnology. Moving forward, the department remains committed to organizing similar events that not only enrich the lives of the community but also foster a sense of belonging and mutual respect among all social groups.