BioFiesta Expo-2023

Science exhibition ‘Bio-Fiesta Expo-2023’ organized by The Department of Biotechnology, Sree Sankara College on 27th June 2023 To highlight the outstanding talents of its students, the Department of Biotechnology at Sree Sankara College organized its science exhibition under the name "Bio-Fiesta Expo2023." The exhibition's opening ceremony was held on June 27, 2023, and inaugurated by the exhibition's chief guest, Dr Anitha Abraham, the college's DDO (Drawing and Disbursing Officer). Dr Mini K. D, assistant professor in the Department of Zoology, and Dr Manju T, assistant professor in the Department of Physics, the college's IQAC coordinator, accompanied Dr Anitha Abraham. The dignitaries applauded the students' efforts to encourage young aspiring scientists and science enthusiasts to adopt a scientific mindset. Around 280 students from various well-known schools in the area participated in the event, which was free to enter. Graduate, postgraduate, and research students from multi-disciplinary departments at the Parent Institution also attended, making the event a grand success. The department's students displayed more than 50 displays, including working and still models from many scientific fields as well as exhibits on socially significant subjects and live demonstrations of enzyme immobilization techniques. The displays were simply and clearly described to the participants by the organizing students. The department's young budding scientists at first portray a very socially important topic still modelled on the Brahmapuram challenges in Kerala- "Playing with fire: On the Brahmapuram fire and how Kerala needs to have a relook at its waste-processing". Regarding the Brahmapuram fire and the need for Kerala to review its waste processing with the aid of the use of biotechnology. In the previous century, recombinant DNA technology was only a theory that suggested desired traits may be enhanced in living organisms by managing the expression of target genes. However, in more recent times, this field has shown distinct impacts in improving human lives. This technique makes it possible to securely, economically, and sufficiently generate essential proteins that are needed for nutritional needs and health issues. This technique has interdisciplinary applications and the ability to address significant areas of life, such as boosting food resources, enhancing health, and resistance to many detrimental environmental consequences. Genetically modified plants, especially in agriculture, have improved product yield, higher flexibility for better survival, and increased resistance to hazardous agents. Additionally, recombinant medications are currently used with confidence. With the aid of still models, working models, chart presentations, and animated video displays, the students from the Department of Biotechnology were able to demonstrate the relevance of r DNA technology to the audience in a way that was both very instructive and easy to understand. Every new drug discovery or drug approval not only draws cheers from millions of victims of debilitating diseases but also adds value to biotechnology companies. In a complex play of scientific progress and market forces, the biotechnology industry is recording growth that can rival the information technology industry boom of the 1990s. India with its young workforce and a potential market for the end-products can look out for a bright future in the biotechnology sector. The department featured a special stall after the exhibition which highlights the current trends, and remarked that the ideas contain the potential to lead to innovation and startups and potential applications of biotechnology to the youthful generation.