Orientation for First Year Degree students

Orientation to first year degree admission of 2022 -23 was conducted on 03/11/2022 at 11.00 am at Chandrasekhara Bharathi Seminar Hall of our college. The programme started with a prayer by Sudev of DC1 . The resource person was Smt , A S Jayasree, Retired HOD , Dept of Mathematics , Sree Sankara Collge ,Kalady. She explained well about our college, Department , Career opportunities ,Challenges of Mathematics as a Subject and as a tool , do’s and Don’ts of our Campus etc. First year students shared their memories of school life . Second year and final year students also participated. Christo Martin and Sudev of first year mathematics shared their views and feed back. We hope that this information will be beneficial in their future life. After that Smt .Essy C Cherian, HOD ,Dept.of Mathematics explained about various clubs and committees functioning in the college. The Programme ended by 1.00 pm with a vote of thanks by Lakshmi of DC 2 mathematics.