Student Workshop on Vedic Mathematics

After a gap of three years due to the pandemic situation all over the world, the much awaited 5th International Vedic mathematics Conference was held at Sree Sankara College, Kalady, Kerala, from 11th - 13th August 2022. The event was sponsored by the Education Renaissance Trust, UK, which supports schools and teachers who put spiritual values at the heart of education. We were privileged to be hosted by the college which is located close to the birthplace of Adi Shankara. On the third day, workshops were delivered by our team of accomplished teachers and comprised 8 parallel workshops teaching Vedic maths to 490 students ranging from 7 year-olds to undergraduates. Smt.Essy C Cherian, together with other faculty and many volunteer undergraduate students, brilliantly handled the logistics so that all the classes ran smoothly. The children ended up loving Vedic maths and wanting more! The Department of Education in India has published an edict for schools and colleges to include aspects of Indian culture within their curriculum. Many colleges there are searching for ways to include Vedic mathematics because it is directly applicable to passing maths exams. Consequently, Sree Sankara College and IAVM signed an MOU directed towards providing a course in Vedic mathematics for undergraduates.