LinkedIn Session by Internpreneur

The Postgraduate Department of Commerce, Sree Sankara College, Kalady in association with the The Internpreneur group has organized a webinar on "LinkedIn" on 19th January 2022. The session was handled by Ms. Princy Lukose, Manager-operations, The Evolver's Project and Anagha Rajan, Intern, The Evolver's Project. The programme started at 6.30 pm in Teams platform. The programme coordinator Ms. Gopika G, welcomed the gathering. The significance of soft skills in career development and the method of LinkedIn updation was enumerated by the speaker. UG and PG students of Dept of commerce  attended the session. Second year M.Com student, Aishwarya gave a feedback on the session.  Ms. Gopika G concluded the session by proposing a vote of thanks.  